What’s best about running a newsletter? When you’re hyped for a Netflix show and want to tell everyone about it, you actually have an opportunity to do so by reviewing the show’s landing page!
So! This week, I decided to present to you a page advertising a new Netflix series coming from Riot. They actually created a worldwide marketing campaign to advertise their show. But let’s focus on one element of it: a landing page.
Riot Games created an animated series focusing on backstories of some of League of Legends’ playable characters.
Is the series directed to LoL players only? Let’s have a look at the landing page to decide.
What already works great:
The site’s design gives you an instant feeling that you are in a place that’s all about online gaming and animated series. The design definitely fits the industry. (And you can almost smell the gunpowder and hear the shots in the distance.)
Although Riot are involved in many projects, this landing page is specifically about one of them: the Arcane series. They could’ve mentioned all the other stuff they’re working on (tall the beautiful cinematics), but this is not what landing pages are for and not what the audience is here for.
The animated elements are just as beautiful, fresh, and detailed as the character development arcs in the show.
There are different language versions of the landing page (a nod towards visitors from various countries).
What could have been even more glorious:
Video in the header section is a good idea when you advertise a movie. But… it was a bit laggy when I first saw it. I doubt the video will work well on the not-so-fast devices. It seems a bit chaotic, and the show’s fans will know that chaos may not be the best solution when it comes to complex undertakings.
The purpose of the landing page could have been better defined. Although it tells a lot about what the series is about, the call to action itself is not really visible (is it about watching the show, subscribing to a newsletter, or joining the gaming community?).
Venture into this week’s discovery yourself!
Explore the Arcane’s landing page