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Home Affiliate Marketing Landing Pages: Guide & 5 Examples

Affiliate Marketing Landing Pages: Guide & 5 Examples

Affiliate marketing landing pages are essential for promoting affiliate products effectively and driving sales. Check out our short guide on how to craft these pages to increase the effectiveness of your promotions. You’ll learn about the importance of clear messaging, the integration of testimonials, and the use of strong visual elements that together create a compelling user journey.

Let’s talk about affiliate landing pages.

Now, for any online business, a high-converting landing page is important for expanding reach and growing sales. But the stakes are even higher when it comes to affiliate marketing.

One affiliate landing page can make or break an entire marketing campaign. A well-optimized page can attract an untold amount of qualified prospects that can become long-term customers.

We’ll delve into exactly what you need to know about landing pages for affiliate marketing, from what they are to tips on creating successful ones. We’ll even show you some real-world examples to equip you with the tools to knock your affiliate landing page out of the park.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a strategy in which a seller, called an affiliate seller, earns a commission for marketing and selling another company’s products. This can be a great deal for owners, affiliates, and customers when the process runs smoothly. But it also means it’s important your affiliates have effective marketing tools.

Affiliate marketing continues to grow each year. Today over 80% of brands operate their own affiliate programs, and U.S. advertisers generate between 15-30% of their total sales from affiliates. It’s caught up with email marketing, paid search, and social media marketing, making it one of the most effective digital advertising techniques.

In a landscape with so much competition, it’s crucial to excite both affiliates and customers to make sure you bring in the most business you can. If you’re incorporating landing pages into your affiliate marketing strategy, your landing page for affiliate products has to rise above the rest and speak for itself to drive successful traffic.

What is an Affiliate Landing Page?

A landing page, as we know, is a standalone page created for a marketing campaign. It’s a place where your site visitors land to be presented with an offer or a lead form. Each page has only one purpose: to get each visitor to engage in that specific offer, encapsulated by the compelling call-to-action (CTA).

An affiliate landing page still aims to drive as many promising leads to your offer as possible to boost conversions. Success in affiliate marketing, however, rarely comes from one specific type of traffic or marketing channel. It often targets prospects across a wide variety of online sources.

This means you need to prepare your landing page to be optimized for multiple sources of traffic — from organic search, paid ads, email newsletters, social media — without mismatching on message or brand.

We’ll look at how to create a landing page for affiliate marketing that’s optimized across the board, and we’ll throw in some affiliate marketing landing page examples so you can see them in action.

How to Create a Landing Page for Affiliate Marketing

For the best outcomes, your affiliate marketing landing page should include the following elements.

Compelling Headline & Hook

The headline needs to capture the reader’s attention and make them want to learn more. Encourage them to keep reading or scrolling so you can draw them toward your CTA. Your headline is what will keep visitors from clicking out of your landing page right away.

Appealing Visuals & Simple Design

Visuals can give your affiliate landing page a major boost. According to Hubspot, about 90% of the information our brains process is visual, and we process it about 60,000 times faster than we process text. That’s certainly something you can tap into for increased engagement.

The visuals you need might vary depending on the landing page or campaign. Trust your design skills, or try out one of our templates to get started. Aim for a design that is both appealing and clean, without distractions. You still want to direct your viewer’s attention to your CTA.

Clear, Concise Copy

After you’ve put together your headline and images, you don’t want to lose your visitor on the copy. Your copy really only needs to do two things: resonate with your audience, and pull them toward your CTA with clear, simple language. You want to show your audience you have a solution to their problem.

If your copy is too short, you might not convey your benefits and offer effectively. If your copy is too long (or boring), you risk losing your audience’s attention before they reach the CTA. Experiment with your content and length for each offer to find that sweet spot.

Relevant Social Proof

We tend to have a very high perceived value of social proof from sources we trust. This can include testimonials, reviews, or endorsements, and these can carry heavy weight in affiliate markets where the audience is looking for recommendations from people they trust.

Similarly, customers rarely rely on a single opinion to make a purchase, so providing an array of social proof could work in your favor. Keep your audience engaged by presenting them with all the social information they need to make their purchasing decisions, if possible.

A Direct Call-to-Action (CTA)

Your reader finally arrives at the CTA. This is the big moment where you hope that your visitor will go through with that click, that sign-up, that share.

No matter the offer or the specific goal, make sure your CTA is clear. Show readers what they need to do to take the next step, make it as easy as possible for them, and don’t leave any space for doubt. It can be a good idea to experiment through A/B testing to fine-tune the details of your CTA and maximize conversions. You can also analyze invaluable data on micro-conversions, which provides you with in-depth insight into users’ behavior and allows you to identify their obstacles throughout the their journeys.

Know Your Benefits, Make Them Clear

At the end of the day, to create a successful affiliate landing page, this is the information you need to know cold. You should be familiar with your audience — what they like, their interests, their demographics — and you should know how to communicate to them just what they’ll get out of your offer.

The better you know your market, the better you can optimize your landing page, even if you’re targeting a specific range of affiliate traffic.

Examples of Affiliate Marketing Landing Pages

Need some further inspiration or just looking to study up on some successful affiliate marketing landing pages? Check out these examples.

1. Official Insurance

This page from Official Insurance is a great example of affiliate marketing in action. After the site visitor fills out the form, Official Insurance goes ahead and provides the user with some of their affiliate links, which will help them earn a commission.
Plus, the page itself is simple and straightforward. It’s clear that the site visitor should be driven to get an insurance quote, and it’s easy for them to do it. All they have to do is put in their zip code and press the big, green button!

2. Claim Compass

Although this is the homepage for Claim Compass, it’s formulated like a landing page. The company, in fact, uses it in their advertising. Similar to Official Insurance, this is an example of a company putting their own affiliate marketing into play.
There are affiliate links sprinkled throughout this page. And again, the page itself has a clear action item: visitors are directed to check the status of their flights to see if they qualify for flight delay compensation.

3. The Affiliate Lab

Unlike the examples above, The Affiliate Lab is not presenting visitors with its own affiliate links. Instead, it’s looking for new affiliates to join its services. This page is simple and to the point.
It has a single sentence of copy that explains the benefits of this affiliate program, a short video, and a big red button to drive visitors down the funnel. Plus, if you scroll on this page, they provide even more necessary information.

4. Shopify

This page from Shopify is also an example of a company advertising its affiliate program. The top of the page outlines the most important benefits of joining the program: creating new entrepreneurs and earning “more than just a commission.”
Similar to The Affiliate Lab, Shopify also provides further information if you continue to scroll, but their elevator pitch is right up front with a clear button to click.

5. Landingi

Our last example comes from yours truly and how we present our own affiliate program. If you’re putting together a landing page in order to attract possible affiliate marketers, it’s important to include a couple different pieces of information.
First and foremost, your affiliates should be able to easily find what sort of commission they can expect to earn from your program. We’ve put this right at the top of our page, with “up to 25% from each sale.” in the subtitle.
Your affiliates also deserve to know about the cookie window, or in other words, how long they have between the time a potential customer clicks on the link and when they have to make a purchase for the affiliate to still earn their commission. We’ve laid that out, too, so affiliates know exactly what they’re signing up for!

Boost Your Affiliate Marketing With Landingi

Landing pages are crucial for your affiliate marketing strategy. But if you don’t have the budget for a developer, or the time to dive into building all your landing pages yourself, you might feel like you’re out of luck.

Landing page builders like Landingi give you all the tools to bring your landing pages together as well as test and optimize them.

Landingi offers a platform that’s simple to set up, feature-packed, and customizable with over 400 templates to help build your landing pages, pop-ups, and lightboxes.

Get your affiliate marketing campaign off the ground today with Landingi.

Jerzy Żurawiecki

Content Specialist

Jerzy Żurawiecki is a marketing content expert with over 3 years of experience in digital marketing and landing page creation.
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