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Home Blog As 15 melhores landing pages de PPC em 2023 (com modelos)

As 15 melhores landing pages de PPC em 2023 (com modelos)

Uma landing page de PPC é projetada para converter visitantes provenientes de anúncios pay-per-click em leads ou clientes. Este guia aborda os melhores exemplos de landing pages de PPC bem-sucedidas e fornece um passo a passo detalhado sobre como criar a sua própria usando os modelos do Landingi. Saiba como adaptar efetivamente suas landing pages aos seus anúncios para obter o máximo de conversão.

A poorly designed PPC landing page can unravel all the work you’ve done to attract initial visitors to your page from any digital ad campaigns you’re running. A poor landing page experience can cause visitors to lose interest and leave if the landing page fails to impress.

To prevent visitors from hitting the back button on your landing page, in this guide, we’ll explore some of the best examples of successful PPC landing pages — and demonstrate how easy it is to create a successful landing page using Landingi’s extensive template library. Additionally, we will discuss what a PPC landing page is and the key elements that contribute to its effectiveness.

Let’s get to it!

Use as Smart Sections para trabalhar de forma inteligente em várias landing pages ao mesmo tempo e esqueça as tediosas revisões manuais! Uma maneira simples de gerenciar alterações em massa.

What Is A PPC Landing Page?

Paid advertising or pay-per-click (PPC) landing pages make up the pages where a user “lands” after clicking on a PPC advertisement. A PPC landing page aims to familiarize users with the promoted product/service and nudge them to convert. However, it can also be used for lead generation purposes.

A PPC landing page typically includes the following:

  • A catchy headline with a supportive tagline
  • A straightforward explanation of product/service benefits
  • Social proof/trust badges (e.g., customer testimonials, secure payment badges, etc.)
  • A crystal clear call-to-action (CTA)
  • A short lead capture form
  • Supportive visuals that evoke emotions or add more context

But there’s more to a successful landing page than that. So let’s go through some of the best practices that will help you get the most out of your PPC landing pages.

PPC Landing Page Best Practices To Follow

Keyword matching

Make sure the PPC landing page is relevant to the keywords you bid on. Otherwise, visitors may not be able to identify if the page is relevant to their search — and ultimately, end up bouncing.

It’s best practice to include the keyword the visitor searched for at least in the page title and ideally, throughout the page copy.

Message matching

Simply put, PPC message match happens when the message in a pay-per-click ad on Facebook, Google Ads, Instagram, or other platforms, is similar to the message on the linked landing page. It can be achieved by using similar phrases, colors, logos, copy, and offers.

A Moz case study shows that message matching can increase conversion by over 200%. Additionally, the ad cost per conversion can decrease by almost 70%!

A proper message match delivers exactly what it promises. If users click on an ad and enter a completely different landing page, they may feel confused and leave.

Message matching allows you to maintain the consistency and integrity of your PPC marketing campaign. Since visitors expect to familiarize themselves with the offer that corresponds to the promise you have put in the ad, message matching is essential.

For good PPC message matching, make sure that:

  • Meta titles and descriptions include keywords in a campaign
  • The headline in the first landing page section is related to a pitch from the ad
  • The graphics within a PPC landing page correlate with banner visual elements
  • The landing page and the PPC ad have the same CTA

Fulfill a single purpose

A landing page should fulfill a single goal — driving more conversions. Whether you aim to get visitors to purchase a product, sign-up for a newsletter, or download an e-book, your landing page should fully dedicate to fulfilling that objective.

If your page was to serve additional purposes beyond the main goal, like inviting visitors to check other products or read a blog post, users may get distracted and deviate from the conversion path.

That said, make sure your landing page doesn’t include any distractions that may deter visitors from converting. Consider avoiding navigation bars and buttons that lead to other pages.

Use minimal form fields

If you use landing pages to gather contact details, keep the number of form fields to a minimum. Less is more — the less time users spend completing a sign-up form, the more likely they are to convert.

In fact, removing one form field can boost conversions by up to 26%. Consequently, only ask users for the information you must have (e.g., first name, last name, and email address).

As a general rule of thumb, three to five form fields should be enough. This gets you all the visitor information you need, while users won’t be overwhelmed by a large number of fields.

Align headlines, offers, and CTAs

Lastly, make sure that your headline, offer, and CTA are in line. This leads visitors down a logical conversion path — their attention is grabbed by a catchy headline, the copy below it briefly explains the offer, and ends with a clear CTA.

You don’t want visitors to look aimlessly around your web page. Otherwise, they may miss critical elements like the supporting copy and CTA, causing them to click away.

Here’s an example:

Brand24 keeps these three elements perfectly in line. They are also placed in the center of the web page.

Consequently, Brand24 assures that visitors will see the headline, offer, and CTA right as they land on the page.

Meanwhile, the elements’ alignment coincides with the visitors’ natural reading patterns, leading them down a straight conversion path and ensuring that all the necessary information is read through.

Now that we’ve figured out what a PPC landing page is and what makes it effective, let’s go through some real-life examples.

Get 111 Landing Page Examples—The Ultimate Guide for FREE

15 Best PPC Landing Page Examples



Landing page:

View Full Page: highlights the tool’s flexibility in both the ad description and landing page. The landing page headline, tagline, and CTA are in line and placed in the central part of the screen — just like in the Brand24 example shown above.

Additionally, the copy beneath the CTA gives visitors a further incentive to try the platform.

Also, there’s a smaller secondary CTA at the top-right corner of the screen. This serves as an alternative conversion opportunity.

Pressing the primary CTA, in this case, leads users to a separate webpage where they have to enter their email address, which may be too much too soon for some users.

However, pressing the secondary CTA triggers a small pop-up where users can type in their addresses — a less obtrusive process that may convince some users to signup.

You’ll see the same practice applied in most of the other examples below.

Moreover, notice how trust badges are visible right as users land on the page. These take the form of logos of large companies works with, adding more credibility and evoking professionalism.

2. KlientBoost


Landing page:

View Full Page: KlientBoost

KlientBoost’s ad description is highly effective. It highlights the benefits of working with the company and adds an element of trust (e.g., “Thousands of Companies Turn To Us.”)

Moreover, the ad description mentions a free marketing plan — perfect for catching users’ attention and nudging them to click through.

Meanwhile, the landing page matches the ad copy. The CTA stands out via contrasting colors. Notice how the free marketing plan is brought up again in the CTA copy. This matches the ad description and incentivizes users to convert.

3. Williams-Sonoma, Inc


Landing page:

View Full Page: Williams-Sonoma, Inc

Williams-Sonoma’s landing page is sleek and minimalist. It takes full advantage of the above-the-fold space to give visitors an idea of how their office space would look with the store’s products.

Visitors can learn more about the company as they scroll down the page. There are various CTAs that encourage users to explore the store’s product collections and signup for a membership.

Speaking of which, the membership program is highlighted in the ad copy. This informs visitors of possible discounts, motivating them to signup. This a great opportunity for the company to gather visitors’ contact details for further marketing purposes.

Build a page just like this one with Landingi’s Architecture template.

4. Liberty Mutual Insurance


Landing page:

View Full Page: Liberty Mutual Insurance

Liberty Mutual Insurance includes little to no copy on its landing page. It instead offers more details in the ad description. The ad headline includes a call to action, prompting users to click through.

The landing page is minimalist and aims to convert visitors as fast as possible. It draws full attention toward the form, which includes a single field.

Build a page just like this one with Landingi’s Insurance Sale page template.

5. Triple P


Landing page:

View Full Page: Triple P

Triple P’s ad copy is short and sweet. It briefly explains what the company does and how visitors can benefit. The landing page headline matches the ad description, while the CTA is straightforward and uses contrasting colors.

Additionally, the landing page uses blue in the background. Blue often alludes to trust, loyalty, and security — exactly what people look for when searching for coaching services. The hero image further reinforces this idea.

Build a page just like this one with Landingi’s Schedule a Call template.

6. MyGreatLearning


Landing page:

View Full Page: MyGreatLearning

MyGreatLearning’s ad headline offers information regarding the course’s length and its topic, while the meta description goes into a little more detail and includes relevant keywords.

The landing page’s catchy headline prompts users to signup. Like in the ad meta description, the landing page’s secondary copy offers key information on the course’s duration and what it entails.

The conversion path finishes with a strong CTA that stands out through its size and contrasting colors.

Build a page just like this one with Landingi’s Online Classes template.

7. Pinnacle Wealth Management


Landing page:

View Full Page: Pinnacle Wealth Management

Pinnacle Wealth Management’s ad copy is straight to the point. The meta title explains the purpose of the landing page while the description offers brief details about the company’s services.

The landing page headline matches the ad’s title. Additionally, it explains how the company can help customers under a list format. This format is digestible, ensuring that visitors read through it.

The form stands out through contrasting colors and adheres to the 3-5 form field rule. Visitors also have the option to skip the form completion process and call the company directly instead. Its phone number appears on the top-right corner of the screen.

Again, the landing page’s background is a light shade of blue, inducing a sense of trust and security.

Build a page just like this one with Landingi’s Business Club template.

8. Corpo Kinetic


Landing page:

View Full Page: Corpo Kinetic

Corpo Kinetic’s ad briefly states what the company’s Pilates classes are for and what other services it offers. The landing page is minimalistic, drawing full attention to the CTA button.

Visitors can scroll down the page to learn more about the company and its private sessions. Social proof is found at the bottom of the landing page, showing customer reviews. Verified Customer trust pages are placed next to each review.

Build a page just like this one with Landingi’s Start Exercising Today template.

9. Smart Cleaners


Landing page:

View Full Page: Smart Cleaners

Just like Corpo Kinetic, Smart Cleaners is straight to the point. The company presents its services in the ad copy, while the landing page has few distractions. The page’s headline matches the keywords within the ad meta description.

The copy beneath the headline eliminates any potential visitor uncertainties by bringing out the lack of hidden fees. The small number of form fields prompts users to fill in their information and the conversion path ends with a highly visible CTA.

The landing page also shows proof of the company’s effectiveness by displaying before/after photos of their projects further down.

10. Cedars


Landing page:

 View Full Page: Cedars

Cedar’s ad title and description are straightforward. They show the kind of food the restaurant offers, its benefits, and dining options. It also adds a sense of trust by stating their years of experience.

Although the landing page doesn’t match the ad’s headline or keywords, the CTA buttons nudge visitors to make an order or see the menu as soon as they enter the page.

11. Steven Cohen Team


Landing page:

View Full Page: Steven Cohen Team

The Steven Cohen Team banks on earning the visitors’ trust right away. The ad description uses power phrases like “extensive market expertise,” “track record,” and “trusted.” The title points to the company’s area of service.

The landing page uses a video background to create a dynamic feel and keep visitors engaged, while the headline matches the ad title. Again, there is a presence of power words like “award-winning” and “committed” to add credibility.

The CTA is highly visible, but it doesn’t disrupt the flow of the landing page due to its transparent background.

Build a page just like this one with Landingi’s Property For Sale template.

12. Mte


Landing page:

View Full Page: mte

Mte’s ad title and description fully focus on presenting the product’s benefits. The landing page also matches this theme, as it’s completely dedicated to promoting the product.

The product photo is placed in the central part of the page to attract the visitors’ attention, while the copy surrounding it highlights its benefits. The bright orange CTA buttons are eye-catching, prompting users to make a purchase.

Build a page just like this one with Landingi’s Vitamins & Dietary Supplements template.

13. Filmora


Landing page:

View Full Page: Filmora

Filmora uses minimal copy on the ad and landing page, leading users down a quick conversion path. However, the ad copy is enough to add a sense of trust and present a few of the platform’s functionalities.

The landing page compensates for the lack of copy with an animated background that briefly shows off the platform’s capabilities.

Build a page just like this one with Landingi’s SaaS Website template.

14. TikTok


Landing page:

View Full Page: TikTok

TikTok uses the ad description to paint a picture of how easy and effective the platform is. Notice how the text is written in the second person and uses positive adjectives (e.g., “put your budget in the right places,” “grow your business,” and “run successful ads.”)

This nudges visitors to imagine themselves using the platform, which persuades them to click through. The landing page uses the white-on-black layout to make the text stand out, while its copy follows the same persuasive pattern.

The CTA pops out and the animated sequence on the right makes to page more lively.

15. HelloFresh


Landing page:

View Full Page: HelloFresh

HelloFresh’s ad title and landing page headline mostly match. However, the page headline describes three additional gifts, which were not mentioned in the ad.

This adds a surprise element, making visitors more likely to convert. Coupled with the bold CTA and the FOMO-inducing copy beneath it, HelloFresh aims to rush visitors through the conversion path. Also, the secondary CTA is slightly larger and its copy is even bolder than the primary one.

Build a page just like this one with Landingi’s Online Food Ordering template.


And there you have it — a brief walkthrough of some PPC best practices and 15 excellent examples to go along with it. Now it’s time to make your own PPC landing pages.

And for that, consider using Landingi! Its pixel-perfect drag-and-drop interface, Smart Sections, and access to over 400 templates spanning multiple industries will help you set up high-performing landing pages in no time.

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Patrycja Szurgacz

Content Lead

Patrycja Szurgacz is a marketing content leader and technical writer with over 4 years of experience in digital marketing. She specializes in landing page creation. Patrycja is a certified ITCQF writer with a Postgraduate Degree in Technical and Legal Translation and Interpretation from TRANSLA.
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