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Home Make your business website become one of the best website design examples

Make your business website become one of the best website design examples


Web design is said to be one of the most essential factors determining whether you outperform your competitors and become the chosen the one.

Read this article to learn more about:

  • how website design has evolved,
  • how website design looks like today,
  • what are the best website design principles,
  • where to find website design templates.

Website design in the past

Website design is quite a fresh field due to the fact that the history of web pages is just as fresh. A few years back creating websites was focused on providing information only, but then it has evolved significantly over the past few year taking another direction. In the past all you needed to have to create a useful website was a notepad or a simple html editor with a field to paste an appropriate code into. A few animated gifs later your site was ready to go. At that time no one really cared about either usability or experience of users.

However, the technology progress has turned the Internet world upside down making it the most important player of all times and giving more importance to the quality of websites. Along with the expansion of Internet usage, both website features (such as appearances, functionalities) and the purpose of creation itself have changed dramatically as well.

Web page design today

These days web designing is a compound and powerful domain. It is strictly connected with UX (User Experience) and it impacts on generating leads, building trust and brand awareness. Web designers work primarily on appearance and layout (sometimes on content, too). They have to take care of colors, fonts, images, structure and categorization of information on websites. High quality web designing means that web pages are easy to use, functional, nice-looking, uncluttered and tailored to the needs of a given audience and a specific type of business.

In the old days website design was primarily focused on desktops. Now, with the abundance of smartphone and tablet users, mobile view adjustments have become equally or even more crucial than the desktop ones. According to comScore, “Mobile devices now account for nearly two out of every three minutes spent online”, which makes mobile friendliness definitely not an issue to neglect.

Best website design principles

As mentioned, web design can significantly assist you in improving your business performance and outperforming competition. Your business website is the face of your entire business. In many cases it is the first point of contact of you and your potential customers. According to Adobe, “Given 15 minutes of time, 59 percent of people will read or browse through something beautifully designed rather than something plain and boring”. Being aware of this fact, make sure that both your homepage and landing page follow the best website design practices as otherwise you may demolish your brand.

Mobile devices now account for nearly two out of every three minutes spent online #rwd #landingpages


web design principles


Many people wrongly think that the more, the better. The thing is, this rule is of no use when it comes to web page design. In order for the web pGE to be appealing to visitors, you need to make it tidy and easy to navigate instead of cluttering it with all kinds of unnecessary elements. Otherwise, it will be overwhelming for visitors who won’t either convert or purchase anything from you.


Another key principle when it comes to web design is consistency. If individual elements on your business web page don’t fit together, it looks unprofessionally. In order to avoid this faux pas, you (or your web designer) should plan fonts, sizes of headings or subheadings and button styles and then stick to them. Even though it seems trivial, it plays a vital role for positive perception of your business and brand.


Regardless of a top-notch design of your business website, nobody will appreciate it unless it provides them with valuable information. What you should do is to familiarize yourself with keywords associated with your niche, meta-data or visually attractive typography. This way you enable your target audience to find you and present information to them in the most readable and tidy way.

Mobile usability

As mentioned – in old days desktop appearance was the king but in the era of smartphones and tablets web design has changed. Nowadays loads of people prefer to surf the Internet on their mobile devices, which results in the necessity of adjusting your business website to various types of screen. If you pass over this aspect, your risk losing dozens of potentially interested candidates. Therefore – make sure your website has a responsive design and adapts to all types of screen.

Colors and images

Choosing colors and images is also a key element of creating high quality web designs. However, like in every other area, you need to strike the right balance. Too much images or inappropriate colors used may lead to distraction. You should choose matching and non-flashy colours in order to avoid trashy, unprofessional look. Also – along with appropriate colours should go high quality images – choose the ones that make your web page look competent and appealing for visitors.

Excellent pagespeed

Affects your website


There is nothing more frustrating than waiting for ages for a page to load, so don’t do it to your visitors. Don’t ever underestimate the importance of loading speed. If you do – you risk losing customers who will escape to more user-friendly websites. According to BlueCorona study, “47 percent of people expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less” and, to quote Infront Webworks, “increasing your website loading speed can prevent the loss of 7 percent of possible conversions”. Therefore, it truly matters, doesn’t it?

47 percent of people expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less


The last but definitely not least of design principles is communicativeness. You need to make sure that your business website provides visitors with information in an organized and easy-to-understand way. If you make use of headings, subheadings, bullet points while also avoiding large blocks of texts, you will distribute content in the most user-friendly way and the odds that visitors will spend more time on your website will be in your favour.

Web design templates

As you can see, web designing is quite a compound field. In order to design web pages of high quality you need to remember about a number of nuances, concepts and ideas, which may be quite troublesome – especially if you are a newbie. Luckily, more experienced web designers have facilitated the process and prepared dozens of web design templates to be found online.

Whether you are going to create a homepage, a landing page or a product website, you can find all types of templates online. They may turn out to be extremely helpful, especially if you do this for the first time. They will show you exemplary practices and you can be sure you won’t omit any crucial element.

Another solution here is to use a website builder. It usually includes a drag-and-drop function, a few pre-built templates and all the necessary components to make the process simple and carefree. One of the most frequently used builders is a landing page builder, which is not surprising given the fact that such pages are widely used in marketing when it comes to increasing conversions and building trust. They usually have a 14-day free trial which gives you plenty of time to create your dream landing page adjusted to your type of business.

As you can see, web page design is not a trivial matter when it comes to online business. However, one of the most important things is not going over the edge with elements and fancy look. Simple, uncluttered, easy-to-navigate and usable websites are highly appreciated both by customers and search engines. Think about which elements are crucial and what kind of appearance will be the most suitable for your business. Once you do this, you can be sure that your web design will be appealing and it will help your business thrive.

Sylwester Karnuszewicz

Content Specialist

Sylwester Karnuszewicz is a marketing content expert with over 4 years of experience in digital marketing and landing page creation.
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