Tired of updating contact details, footers, or navigation on every page for even the smallest changes?
Landingi has something just for you!
Managing numerous pages for the same company or campaign, especially when certain sections are identical, can be both time-consuming and mundane. With Smart Sections, those updates can be done in seconds! Say farewell to tedious updates and embrace more time for what really matters.
Which sections are smartable?
Set up any section as a Smart Section to make your pages consistent and uniform.
Save valuable hours and simplify your workflow, making content management more efficient.
Smart Sections work great with:
How to Smart Up Your Daily Work
Dedicated Builder
Create and edit Smart Sections using an intuitive builder to avoid inconsistencies and errors. Maintain a large number of pages without a corresponding increase in workload.
Locations Control
Control the location of Smart Sections used across pages to verify that changes will be published exactly where you intend them to be, ensuring precise control over your content updates.
Bulk Management
Align multiple pages with your current messaging and brand strategy. Keep up with market trends, customer feedback, and new insights. Adapt to changes and maintain your brand’s online presence effectively.
Build your page block by block
Simple building process, exceptional results. These features go great with Smart Sections:
- Predefined Library of Section Templates
Access a vast library of ready-to-use, customizable templates to create stunning landing pages in minutes. - Your Custom Sections
Create your own library of section templates to quickly select, customize, and deploy pages, saving time and effort.