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law firm landing pages

A law firm landing page is a specialized online platform that allows you to run an effective marketing campaign focused on a singular conversion objective, such as booking a consultation, contacting your law firm, downloading a legal guide, or taking other industry-related actions. In this article, we dissect the critical elements contributing to the success of law firm landing pages, explore best practices within the legal industry, and provide actionable tips for crafting a landing page that effectively converts interest into action.

The average landing page conversion rate across industries reaches ca. 5,81%, as shown in HubSpot statistics, but On The Map Marketing case studies showcase that a law firm landing page with a single objective can achieve a conversion rate of 8,33%. This underscores the importance of a well-constructed landing page for law firms.

Explore exemplary law firm landing page designs that resonate with their intended audience and uncover strategies to transform page visitors into engaged clients or contacts effortlessly. For a good start, take a look at the 4 essential tips on creating a compelling law firm landing page:

  • Emphasize clarity and professionalism in design,
  • Incorporate persuasive, direct-to-action CTAs,
  • Highlight client testimonials and notable case outcomes as social proof,
  • Guarantee optimal page performance across all devices, especially mobile.

Read the article and dive into top law firm landing page examples to gather insights into what makes them high-converting digital marketing tools, boosting campaign efficiency.

  1. Law Office of Mohaimina Haque, PLLC
  2. Antonoplos & Associates, Attorneys at Law
  3. Koonz McKenney Johnson & DePaolis LLP
  4. Lee Legal
  5. ER Law

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What Is a Law Firm Landing Page?

A law firm landing page is a specific type of webpage crafted to convert visitors into leads or clients for a law firm, focused on a single goal, such as encouraging visitors to schedule a consultation, inquire, or sign up for a newsletter. This targeted approach is designed to minimize distractions and guide the visitor toward taking a desired action, using elements specifically chosen to appeal to the law firm’s prospective clients.

Such landing pages are crucial in a law firm’s online marketing strategy. They are the first point of interaction for many potential clients searching for legal assistance. These pages aim to build trust and persuade visitors of the firm’s expertise and value by providing relevant, concise information and a clear call to action. Tailored content that speaks directly to visitors’ needs can significantly enhance conversion rates, turning casual browsers into engaged leads.

Moreover, law firm landing pages are essential in segmenting and targeting various legal services and specialties. They allow firms to create focused campaigns that address specific legal issues or services, enabling a more personalized approach and engaging with different client groups. When a law firm’s landing page is well-designed and regularly optimized, it can significantly improve the effectiveness of digital marketing efforts in a competitive legal environment.

How Do I Create a Law Firm Landing Page?

To create a landing page for a law firm, define a single objective, understand your audience’s pain points and expectations, craft relevant content, design a page for usability, set clear CTA, and remember about mobile responsiveness. A high-converting law firm landing page involves a strategic approach combining design, content, and user experience to guide potential clients toward action. To achieve the best results, follow the detailed 8-step guide below:

1. Define your objective

Firstly, before anything else, define your objective. Clarify the purpose of your landing page – it can be booking consultations, offering a free legal guide, gathering sign-ups for a webinar, etc. Make sure you focus on a single goal to achieve a high conversion rate. Your objective will influence every aspect of your landing page, from content to design.

2. Understand your audience

Secondly, understand your audience. Know who you’re designing the page for. Understanding your potential clients’ needs, concerns, and what motivates them to seek legal assistance is crucial. This knowledge allows you to tailor your lawyer landing page’s message and design to resonate with your target audience.

3. Craft compelling content

Thirdly, craft compelling content. It should be persuasive and address your audience’s needs, showcasing how your law firm can meet them. Use clear, concise language and include a strong, actionable headline. Highlight your firm’s accomplishments, areas of expertise, and how you’ve successfully helped clients in similar situations.

Users favor viewing value propositions presented as bullet points, according to CXL insights. Meet visitors’ expectations – break longer texts into smaller sections and use bullet lists to present your offerings.

4. Design for usability

Fourthly, design your landing page for usability. Make it visually appealing and easy to navigate. Use a clean, professional design with intuitive navigation to ensure potential clients can easily find the necessary information. Include clear CTAs that stand out and guide users toward your conversion goal.

5. Incorporate social proof

Fifthly, incorporate social proof. Testimonials, case studies, and client reviews can significantly enhance trust in your firm, which is the most important factor in building law firm strength. Featuring these elements on your landing page can help reassure potential clients that they’re making the right choice in reaching out to your firm.

6. Optimize for conversion

Sixthly, optimize your landing page for conversion. Every element on the page should contribute towards guiding visitors to your conversion goal. This includes the placement of contact forms, the visibility of CTAs, and the overall flow of the page. A/B testing different elements can help identify what works best for your audience.

7. Ensure mobile responsiveness

Seventhly, ensure mobile responsiveness. Most of your page traffic comes from mobile devices, so your landing page must be mobile-friendly. Responsiveness ensures a seamless experience for all visitors, regardless of their device, and reduces bounce rates.

8. Measure and adjust

Eighthly, regularly measure the page’s performance and adjust it. Use analytics to track the performance of your landing page – some page builders offer built-in analytics tools, like Landingi with the EventTracker feature. Look at metrics like conversion rate, bounce rate, and the average time spent on the page to understand how visitors interact with your content. Use this data to make informed adjustments and continuously improve the effectiveness of your landing page.

If you craft your law firm landing page in accordance with the above instructions, you can be sure it looks professional and effectively converts visitors into leads and clients.

5 Best Examples of Law Firm Landing Pages

The 5 best examples of law firm landing pages below showcase how to change theoretical basics into real-life landing pages that truly convert visitors into clients. Check our picks, inspire yourself, and gather ready-to-use key takeaways to create your own law firm landing page – find out how to create a unique selling proposition and use the potential of landing pages to expand your business.

1. Law Office of Mohaimina Haque, PLLC

The Mohaimina Haque’s law firm landing page perfectly balances visual appearance and usability. The hero section includes an attention-grabbing background video, a bold headline indicating the company’s legal service areas, a short copy and social proof elements convincing visitors to take action, and an outstanding CTA button with straightforward messaging.

attorney landing page example

The page includes concise information about the attorney’s specialization and buttons leading to detailed, informative sections about practice areas. Social proof elements, such as client testimonials, press mentions, and case results, build visitor trust. The CTA button appears in strategic sections, which boosts the likelihood of conversion. At the bottom, visitors can find contact details with a map and driving directions button, making the page useful, especially for mobile users.

Key takeaways to learn from this example:

  • Clear layout,
  • Background video and law firm introduction video,
  • Concise, informative descriptions,
  • Client testimonials and press mentions,
  • Strategically placed, outstanding CTA button,
  • Map and driving directions button
  • Contact details.

Improvement areas:

  • Page load speed – the page should load faster to reduce bounce rates and ensure a seamless experience across various devices.

Pick a Business Page template and customize it with Landingi to promote your legal services – implement a straightforward CTA button, use informative content, and convince visitors with social proof elements to achieve the best results!

lawyer landing page template

2. Antonoplos & Associates, Attorneys at Law

The Antonoplos & Associates law firm landing page welcomes visitors with its transparency, usability, and informative approach, encouraging them to schedule a consultation. The hero section includes a compelling headline with a bold phone number, an outstanding CTA button leading to a request form, and a couple of numbers showcasing the attorneys’ experience.

legal practice landing page

The page also includes informative sections about the attorney team and practice areas. Social proof elements, like client testimonials and award badges, boost visitors’ trust, leading to higher conversion. Adding a sticky sidebar with icons to simplify taking actions, like immediate calls or directions, makes the page highly useful. A clear contact form at the bottom includes only essential fields, which increases the likelihood of conversion.

Key takeaways to learn from this example:

  • Intuitive layout,
  • Sticky sidebar with immediate action buttons,
  • Testimonials and award badges,
  • Company experience section with bold numbers,
  • Concise descriptions,
  • Attorney team section,
  • Contact details,
  • Clear form.

Improvement areas:

  • Length – the page includes unnecessary elements that may distract users from completing CTA, such as upcoming events or legal articles.

The Meet Developer landing page template can be a great pattern for creating a high-converting lawyer landing page. Upload your professional picture, create a unique selling proposition, and use numbers showcasing your experience to encourage visitors and drive high conversion rates.

attorney landing page template

3. Koonz McKenney Johnson & DePaolis LLP

The Koonz McKenney Johnson & DePaolis LLP landing page stands out in its usability. The page describes in detail their main specialization – personal injury law, and a clear layout allows for gaining more information about specific practice areas, which answers the target audience’s expectations. The hero section includes a background video, a button leading to a short video about the law firm, a convincing headline, and an outstanding CTA button offering a free consultation.

lawyer landing page example

This landing page includes social proof elements like case results and client referrals. In addition to its informative approach, the site is useful for visitors – it includes a short inquiry form and “Call Now” buttons.

Key takeaways to learn from this example:

  • Clear and intuitive layout,
  • Attention-grabbing background video and content video,
  • Strong CTA button,
  • Informative descriptions,
  • “Call Now” buttons,
  • Benefits section,
  • Clear inquiry form.

Improvement areas:

  • Mobile responsiveness – some elements on the mobile version are too big, the page is lengthy, and loads too slowly; mobile optimization should bring better results in conversion.

Create a high-converting landing page that serves with its usefulness – choose the Lawyer Council template from Landingi, use AI Assistance to create persuasive yet informative copy, and allow visitors to contact you with a simple form.

lawyer landing pages template

4. Lee Legal

Lee Legal’s law firm landing page wins with its clarity and ability to deliver helpful information without an extensive page layout. Compelling headlines with alternative CTAs in the hero section encourage visitors to contact the company. The huge “Call Now” button, kept above the fold in the strategic top-right corner, allows prospective clients to get immediate help.

law firms landing page example

The page includes short practice area descriptions, ensuring visitors find solutions to their problems. Social proof elements like affiliations and client testimonials build trust and credibility, and the professional picture supplementing the inquiry form shortens the distance between the offered service and a potential client.

Key takeaways to learn from this example:

  • Short, clear layout,
  • Concise yet informative descriptions,
  • High-quality visuals,
  • Strong CTA button,
  • Clear inquiry form,
  • Testimonials and affiliations,
  • “Call Now” button.

Improvement areas:

  • Page load speed – the page should load faster to reduce bounce rates and ensure a seamless experience, especially for mobile users.

Pick the Family Insurance template from Landingi’s gallery and customize it with its editor to promote your law firm – remember to answer your target audience’s needs and use a clear form to facilitate contacting your company.

lawyer landing page template

5. ER Law

The ER Law offers legal services in three practice areas, also in Spanish, and created a landing page that welcomes visitors with a promise – it’s a great choice for creating a compelling headline that encourages potential clients to contact a lawyer from the first moment. The hero section with a professional background image and short, informative content directs to clear, alternative CTAs – also for Spanish speakers.

law firms landing page example

The page includes an attorney team section and a practice area section with buttons leading to detailed descriptions, both delivering information any visitor would need. Social proof, like reviews from satisfied clients and professional association badges, builds trust and credibility, encouraging users to book a consultation. The contact section includes details of 2 alternative offices, a map, and immediate action buttons. The page is both informative and functional, thanks to which it achieves high conversion rates.

Key takeaways to learn from this example:

  • Clear layout,
  • Compelling headlines,
  • High-quality professional pictures,
  • Outstanding CTA buttons,
  • Informative content,
  • “Call Now” button, placed in the strategic top-right corner,
  • Contact details with a map,
  • Language selection.

Improvement areas:

  • Experience section – the page should include an experience section with numbers, such as amount of cases, years of experience, etc., to boost visitors’ engagement and persuade choosing this company.

4 Law Firm Landing Page Best Practices

To create a law firm landing page that effectively converts visitors into clients and serves as a useful legal help hub, implement the 4 best law firm landing page practices that allow you to gather more clients. These strategies help to optimize your landing page for maximum performance, benefiting both the company and customers.

#1 Add immediate action buttons

The first best practice for a law firm landing page is to use immediate action buttons, like “Call Now” or “Get Directions”. This strategy is crucial because when potential clients visit your legal service landing page, they are often in urgent need of legal advice or assistance. By allowing them to take immediate action, you cater to their sense of urgency and make it easier for them to reach out for help.

Take a look at the example below:

great example of law firm landing page that generate conversions

Immediate action buttons should be prominent and easily noticeable, ensuring they catch the visitor’s eye without needing to scroll or search through the page. The design of these buttons plays a significant role in their effectiveness; contrasting colors and bold text can make them stand out more. Additionally, placing these buttons at both the top and bottom of your landing page ensures they are accessible no matter how much page content the visitor has viewed.

#2 Incorporate social proof and trust signals

The second best practice for a law firm landing page is to incorporate social proof and trust signals. Social proof, such as client testimonials, case studies, awards, and recognitions, plays a pivotal role in building trust and credibility with prospective clients. When visitors see that others have had positive experiences with your firm, their confidence in your services increases, making them more likely to take action. Featuring quotes from satisfied clients, especially those who had cases similar to the visitors’, can resonate deeply with potential clients.

Take a look at the example below:

landing page design with trust signals

Awards and recognitions serve as an endorsement of your firm’s professionalism and excellence in the field. Displaying badges or logos of legal associations, rankings, or awards on your landing page can significantly enhance your firm’s perceived value. You can also use case studies or media mentions as powerful social proof elements to boost your company’s credibility.

98% of individuals would check online reviews about an attorney before hiring them, according to the iLawyerMarketing survey. Don’t miss a chance to impact the decision-making process and add positive testimonials to your landing page.

#3 Use a clear inquiry form

The third best practice for a law firm landing page is to use a clear inquiry form. A well-designed inquiry form encourages visitors to take that critical step of reaching out for legal assistance or more information. To ensure the inquiry form is effective, it should be prominently placed on the landing page, ideally in a position immediately visible without scrolling.

Take a look at the example below:

longer form with general data protection regulation

The form itself should be simple and concise. Ask for only the most critical information needed to initiate contact, such as the visitor’s name, email address, phone number, and a brief description of their legal issue. Limiting the number of fields reduces the effort required to complete the form, thereby increasing the likelihood that a visitor will complete it. Overly complex or lengthy forms can deter potential clients, as they may seem daunting or invasive.

How Can I Optimize My Law Firm Landing Page for Higher Conversion Rates?

To optimize your law firm landing page for higher conversion rates, focus on delivering a great user experience, optimize your content for SEO, optimize CTA buttons, pay attention to minimizing loading speed, and regularly run A/B tests to implement continuous improvements. Follow the 6 CRO best strategies to achieve higher conversions:

1. Streamline the user experience

Firstly, streamline the user experience. Ensure your landing page is easy to navigate and free from any distractions that could detract from the main conversion goal. This means having a clean layout, a clear value proposition, and a straightforward path to taking action, whether that’s filling out a contact form or making a phone call.

2. Optimize CTA buttons

Secondly, optimize CTA buttons. Your CTA buttons should be highly visible and compelling. Use action-oriented language and design these buttons to stand out from the rest of the page. Experiment with colors, sizes, and placements to see what works best for your target audience. A/B testing different CTAs can help you identify which versions yield the highest conversion rates.

3. Optimize loading speed

Thirdly, optimize loading speed. It’s crucial for both SEO and user experience. Optimize images, minify CSS and JavaScript, and consider using a content delivery network (CDN) to ensure your landing page loads quickly for all users.

Statistics don’t lie: 40% of internet users will leave a website if it doesn’t load within 3 seconds, according to WebFX insights. Make sure your page loads quickly to reduce bounce rates.

4. Incorporate local SEO practices

Fourthly, incorporate local SEO practices. Optimizing your landing page for local search can help attract more relevant visitors. Include location-specific keywords, register with Google My Business, and encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews online.

5. Ensure mobile responsiveness

Fifthly, ensure mobile responsiveness. As most traffic comes from mobile, your page must be optimized for mobile devices. It’s especially important for service landing pages to ensure ease of use and deliver a seamless user experience regardless of the device visitors use – it significantly impacts conversion rates.

6. Conduct A/B tests

Sixthly, regularly conduct A/B tests. Use external tools or choose a landing page builder with built-in A/B testing features, like Landingi, to experiment with different page elements, from headlines and images to CTAs and form fields. Analyze performance data to understand what’s working and what isn’t, and make continuous improvements based on those insights.

A/B testing can result in an average enhancement of conversion rates by 49%, according to Invesp statistics. Don’t hesitate to regularly experiment with different page versions and tailor your landing page to your audience’s expectations.

By implementing these CRO strategies, you can enhance your law firm’s landing page to engage visitors better and convert them into clients, ultimately driving the success of your legal practice.

What Are the Key Elements of an Effective Law Firm Landing Page?

An effective law firm landing page combines key elements, like clear headlines and informative content, social proof, trust signals, and highquality imagery, directing visitors attention to a strong CTA and simple contact form. Get to know the essential elements that constitute a successful tech landing page, as outlined below:

1. Clear and compelling headline

The first key element of an effective law firm landing page is the headline. It should immediately communicate the value proposition of your law firm, clearly indicating what you offer and why a prospective client should choose you over the competition.

2. Engaging subheadline

The second key element of an effective law firm landing page is a subheadline, providing additional details about your services, further engaging the visitor, and encouraging them to learn more about your firm.

3. Prominent CTA

The third key element of an effective law firm landing page is a prominent CTA. It should be bold and direct, guiding visitors toward the desired action with phrases like “Schedule a Free Consultation” or “Contact Us Today”. The placement and design of the CTA are crucial, making it easy and enticing for visitors to take the next step.

4. High-quality imagery

The fourth key element of an effective law firm landing page is high-quality imagery. Professional images that reflect your firm’s professionalism and the services you provide can help build trust and appeal visually to your visitors. This could include images of your team, your office, or other relevant pictures.

5. Social proof

The fifth key element of an effective law firm landing page is social proof. Including client testimonials, reviews, and case studies on your landing page can significantly enhance credibility. Social proof helps reassure potential clients of your expertise and the successful outcomes you’ve achieved.

Incorporating social proof on landing pages can boost conversion rates by up to 34%, according to Unbounce statistics. Impact visitor’s decision-making process and deliver reviews or case studies to boost their trust.

6. Clear, informative content

The sixth key element of an effective law firm landing page is clear, informative content. It should succinctly convey who you are, what you do, and how you can help potential clients with their legal issues. Avoid legal jargon and focus on how your services benefit your clients to achieve the best results.

7. Responsive design

The seventh key element of an effective law firm landing page is responsive design. Your landing page must look great and function well on all screen sizes. A responsive design ensures visitors have a positive experience, regardless of how they access your page.

8. Contact form

The eighth key element of an effective law firm landing page is a contact form. It should be as simple as possible, clear, and encouraging to maximize its lead-generation power. It should be easy to find and use, asking for only the most critical information to reduce friction and encourage submissions.

9. Trust signals

The ninth key element of an effective law firm landing page is a section with trust signals. Displaying affiliations, accreditations, awards, and recognitions can further establish your law firm’s credibility and expertise in the legal field. Building trust among visitors not only encourages them to take action but builds your brand strength in the market.

By integrating these key elements, a law firm’s landing page can effectively attract and engage potential clients, turning visitor interest into actionable leads.

What Is the Best Law Firm Landing Page Builder?

The best law firm landing page builder is Landingi, a versatile platform designed to simplify the creation and optimization of landing pages. Renowned for its intuitive interface and comprehensive digital marketing tools, Landingi stands out as the optimal choice for both novices and seasoned marketing professionals.

With over 400 available templates and a user-friendly editor, creating a legal service landing page that attracts and engages visitors is a piece of cake. Yet, crafting the page is just the initial step. With features like A/B testing, EventTracker, and AI Assistance, Landingi transforms a basic landing page into a vital asset for your digital marketing strategy. Continuous optimization is key, and Landingi equips you with all the necessary functionalities to enhance your page’s performance effortlessly.

Get 111 Landing Page Examples—The Ultimate Guide for FREE

Through A/B testing, you can explore different iterations of your law firm’s landing page and measure their success. The EventTracker functionality enables you to monitor user interactions and collect valuable insights directly within the platform, laying the foundations for informed optimization efforts. Additionally, Landingi’s suite of tools, including AI Assistance, customizable forms, pop-ups, and widgets, ensures your landing page ranks well in search engines, meets user expectations, and generates more leads for future marketing initiatives.

Landingi’s platform is not only affordable and user-friendly but also packed with advanced features tailored to assist marketers and agencies in executing effective digital marketing campaigns. For law firm landing pages, Landingi is the ultimate tool, providing everything needed to create, manage, and optimize your landing page with efficiency and ease.

Build a Law Firm Landing Page with Landingi

A well-crafted landing page can make a big difference for your business, delivering an effective digital marketing tool that drives conversions and delivers a useful platform for prospective customers simultaneously. Just as the legal industry relies on precision and expertise, your law firm’s landing page must embody professionalism and trust. Yet, creating a visually appealing page is only the beginning. Ongoing optimization – through captivating design, persuasive content, and targeted SEO tactics – is pivotal in developing online environments that not only reflect your firm’s authority and credibility but also engage visitors and increase conversions.

Knowing the best practices, inspired by top law firm landing page examples, and equipped with the appropriate tools, you can craft a top-tier law firm landing page. Seize the opportunity to develop your law firm landing page today – try Landingi and transform a standard page into an engaging platform that effectively converts visitors into clients.

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